About the meaning of sacrament of marriage in the catholic religion
According to statistics published in Bucharest in July 2010, every two marriages done at civil office ended in a divorce. At approximately 6000 marriages, 3000 families divorced. Under these circumstances a study on the sacrament of marriage seen as a mystery by which a man and a woman form a communion of life emphasizing that the author of marriage is not man but God, becomes an important requirement. The marriage is defined in the canonic law where is shown that it is a communion for life between a man and woman, well founded for the good of the spouses and the procreation of children. It is imposed to be mentioned that in the faith of the Catholic Church it is necessary the mutual consent of the bridegroom and bride, seen as an indispensable element of recognizing the marriage. If one spouse is not Catholic special provisions are followed for matrimonial union to be valid. Christian marriage has the goal to persuade spouses to be a sign of the communion between Christ and the Church and represents an icon of the love of God.
Keywords: marriage and divorce statistics, sacramental marriage, communion between man and woman, marriage to non-Catholics, marriage as an icon of Godโs love.
The seven sacraments of the Catholic Church in accordance with the Catechism of Catholic Church, a compendium:
– The Baptize- Baptisium,
– The Confirmation โ confirmation,
– The Eucharist โ eucharistia,
– The Penitence – paenitenta,
– The Anointing Of The Sick – unction infirmorom,
– The Priestwood – ordu,
– The Marriage – matrimonium.