We present to you communion cups in a wide array of designs to suit every individual preference. Our exclusive range of Jerusalem cups and Star of David make the perfect gift for your loved ones as the Jerusalem old city cup stands as a strong reminder of Cana’s rich history. Conscientiously crafted, our communion cups hold great significance in the hearts of those who revere the Lord.
We have expressly designed a fine range of communion chalice varieties that have been fashioned from aluminium. Offered in five colours, these are coveted curios that you simply must take home with you. Our bore pre hagefen is a stunning silver cup that beautifully showcases the heritage of Galilee is a one-of-a-kind souvenir.
jerusalem cup
Gold plated jerusalem cup Silver plated jerusalem cup
bore pre hagefen – silver cup
bore pre hagefen – silver cup
bore pre hagefen – silver cup II
bore pre hagefen – silver cup II
bore pre hagefen – silver cup III
bore pre hagefen – silver cup III
bore pre hagefen – silver cup VI
bore pre hagefen – silver cup VI
Bore Pree Hagefen
Bore Pree Hagefen Silver Plated
Chalices – Aluminium
Chalices – Aluminium 5 colors white yellow grey blue brown
Communion Cup 8 cc
Communion Cup 8 cc
crystal graps cup
crystal graps cup silver plated
Emiled Chalice silver plated
Gold Plated Cup
Gold Plated Small Cup
Gold Plated Small Cup
good boy – yeled tov
good boy – yeled tov silver plated and swarovski crystal h = 6.5 cm